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Markets in Rio de Janeiro

Looking to explore the vibrant markets of Rio de Janeiro? From bustling street markets selling artisan crafts to traditional food markets offering fresh produce and local flavors, Rio's markets are a must-visit for any traveler. Join us as we dive into the rich tapestry of sights, sounds, and flavors that make Rio de Janeiro's markets a unique shopping experience. Curious about the best markets for souvenir shopping in Rio de Janeiro? Keep reading for our top recommendations!

1. Gávea Antiques Fair, Rio de Janeiro

Praça Santos Dumont Antique Mini

A Sunday fair exhibiting a range of antique wares. Locals trade everything from books, paintings, vinyl, clothes, to crockery and carpets. A lively event to explore, and to find a unique keepsake.

2. Feira de Antiguidades da Praça XV, Rio de Janeiro

Feira De Antiguidades Da Praça Xv Sale

Saturday market selling interesting antiques and collectibles - from vintage cameras and typewriters to badges and stamps. Fresh stock is added each week. Grab a morning coffee and browse the stalls.